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Gout is a common type of arthritis that surfaces when you have elevated uric acid(sodium urate) in your blood, tissues and urine. Gout and joint pain almost always is the fate of a gout suffer. Pain can appear in any joint with the big toe joint being the most commonly affected. When the high levels of uric acid crystallise, the crystals take on a needle shape that tends to "jab" into the joint area causing significant pain. A gout attack tends to be more likely at lower, colder temperatures where the uric acid can crystallise in the joint. Acute pain is usually the first symptom followed up by inflamed, red, swollen, hot and extremely sensitive joint areas.

There are many reasons why uric acid can be elevated. Some indicators are high or daily alcohol intake, obesity, diabetes, high acid/low alkalising foods, poor kidney function, low water intake, a B5 deficiency, vitamin E deficiency, carrying candida infections, chemotherapy, long term antibotic use, high intake of specific foods that elevate uric acid like purine-rich foods that include mincemeat, brewer's yeast, peanuts, meat gravies, sardines, mussels, mushrooms, asparagus, shellfish, mackerel and anchovies.

Topically I compound  a cream that includes DMSO to relieving pain and reducing swelling.

My base Gout Powder Mix contains cherry powder, celery, couch grass, burdock extract, cleavers, nettle and devil's claw. This mix will be customised to the individual as to content and dose. We do consultations in-house/phone to help you with your eating, hydration and exercise, presented as a WELLNESS PROGRAM, so you can fully deal with your health issues in a positive way. Glenn Mackie – registered Nutritionist, Compounding Herbalist, Iridologist.

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